We Loan
Second Hand Shops & Buy Back
Cash Converters is the largest chain of second hand shops in the world, with over 900 stores across 21 countries worldwide. Our second hand goods are available to buy from our online shop, so please do take a browse through the thousands of products we currently have listed there. We also offer Buy Back service.
Second Hand Shops
Check out our vast online store of second hand goods, where you can buy online today or pick up from your local Cash Converters shop. We sell all kinds of items, from mobile phones, tablets, computers, TVs, video consoles and games, bikes, musical instruments, cameras, jewellery, furniture, antiques and much more.
If you have any unwanted items, Cash Converters make it easy for you to sell your stuff and turn it into cash. Pop into one of our local shops with your goods, where one of our experts will value your item and offer you a fair price.
Buy Back
If you need some cash for a short time, why not try our Buy Back scheme? This straightforward, handy service can provide you with cash for your items, whilst giving you the option to buy your goods back later, option fee applies.
You just have to bring your items into one of our stores. We’ll discuss your needs with you.
We’ll test your Buy Back items, give you cash for them, place them in secure storage, and guarantee you the right to buy back the items from us within 28 days.
Within the next 28 days you can return to buy back your goods for the price we paid you for them, plus an option fee for the service.
You can even extend the agreement by a further 28 days with our one-off renewal option. This involves paying the fee at the time of repurchase and at the time of renewal. Unfortunately no further extensions of the Buybacks agreement can be offered.
You must be over 18 years of age. You’ll need to bring a minimum of two recent documents, one to confirm identity, such as a passport, driving licence and another to confirm address, dated from within the last 3 months, such as a utility bill, council correspondence, etc. We need to check these before we can give you any cash for your item.
Your information, photo and subsequent history records will be entered onto our computer database.